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Showing posts from December, 2012

My little girl is growing up!

Isn't it scary the things they can suddenly do? Daphne does cooking now, not just eating. And she can draw people, WITH LEGS. She has her own tastes, knows what she likes and doesn't like (read "says NO a lot") She likes sitting down with the paper or a good book. DON'T interrupt. She has her own sense of style. And is looking into career options. Namely a doctor (as seen above), a ballerina or a dog-trainer.

Season's greetings!

 Hope everyone had a merry Christmas! I have eaten far too much, drunk far too much, and am really happeeeeee! And here are some of the things I made in the run up to the festive period. It has been a very busy time for selling t-shirts and making stockings, and I have loved it! Now how do I get this much business all year...?

Panda cardigan! Toddler jumper refashion

My little girl is nuts about most animals, but at the moment she is quite keen on pandas. It's bound to change by tomorrow. But she had an old black jumper which just seemed to be just waiting for a funeral, so it made me sad, and I had to turn it into something else... Here it is before.... Funeral anyone? OK, so I cut up the front to make it into a cardigan... I love this part - snip! Then stitched on some white lace (sticking with the black and white theme see...) and attached a big black button and popper on the back. Can I just say I did this in about 10 minutes so it's not my finest work! You've got to make sure the stitching catches all of the fiddly jumper edge so that it doesn't fray. OK, so that was the front. And I decided because it was a v-neck, the panda would have to go on the back as there was more space. Sooooo, then I cut some panda face shapes out of t-shirt material and stuck them on the back with bonda/wunda webby stuff. You COU...