Hope everyone had a merry Christmas! I have eaten far too much, drunk far too much, and am really happeeeeee! And here are some of the things I made in the run up to the festive period. It has been a very busy time for selling t-shirts and making stockings, and I have loved it! Now how do I get this much business all year...?
The Liebster Award is for bloggers with fewer than 300 followers. A blogger nominates 11 fellow bloggers and asks them a set of 11 questions. The rules state that a nominee must link back to the blogger from whom they received a nomination. The nominee will write 11 random facts about themselves and then answer the 11 questions which have been set for them. They in turn will nominate another 11 bloggers and pose 11 questions to them. This is a really fun way to discover and connect with new bloggers and help us all gain some new followers along the way. Lovely Hannah from Make, Do and Push has nominated me as one of her bloggers so I will do my best! Thanks Hannah! If you like crafting, and a slice of positivity to balance out the cynicism you hear from me (!) you should check out her blog. She is up to wedding planning too so is bound to have lots of ideas up her sleeve! OK, first of all, 11 random facts about me! Crikey that seems a lot! 1. I used ...
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