Pah. This isn't a negative post, more a resigned one. It's been a weird old couple of weeks, not sure if I'm here or there. Had a job, tried my best, bent over backwards, go taken advantage of, left. Seems to be a pattern. Happens with people sometimes too. Make a friend, have fun, lend an ear, need an ear, nothing. People might describe me as "not very assertive", but I'd rather call it trusting and quiet. I do wonder about "growing a pair" and telling people where to go, but if I ever slightly raise my voice they go all mock-shock and act like I'm insane. And I may very well be, because arguing just ain't my bag, baby. I'd far rather bitch behind your back and not make the effort again, I'm afraid. Even when people are complete A-holes, I still make excuses for them and protect them, "maybe they were bullied", "maybe they are jealous", "maybe they're just not happy", and by always seeing the...
Taking the mickey out of everything I can...